Tracking Number
Tracking numbers are provided on every shipment via customer email – if you have not received a tracking number please contact us to retrieve one.

If you have your tracking number, you can track your package here .


Shipping Cost
Currently our flat rate per an order falls at $39.95 USD – FedEx Door to door. For more informations about this service by FedEx, read this article.


Shipping Delay
It takes 1-2 business days to leave warehouse and with FED EX normally shipping time frame is within 5-10 business days to reach your address.

In some circumstances, the shipping delay could happen due to weather conditions, pandemic or some other major events. Please find out all alerts on the FedEx Alert Page.


Stolen Packages
If you believe your package is stolen please do the following : 

1.Please double check the address provided on the order to make sure it was entered correctly.

2. Double check with nearby neighbors to see if maybe they received your package by mistake.

3. Contact the your local Post Office directly or by using the contact information below.

Alternatively, fill a claim to FedEx. Provide all your details and Tracking number.


Aadditional Informations

Contact us at for questions related to shipping and other questions.